Aviation Consultancy

Consulting globally across the industry…

Browse our main areas of expertise below or get in touch to discuss your aviation needs today.


We provide advice, insight and consulting services across the entire spectrum of Ground Operations and Ground Handling and have many years of global experience within this area.

Anything from strategy to troubleshooting, improvement, analysis, process engineering, feasibility studies or optimisation, we can provide innovative solutions that can be tailored to your needs and requirements, that focuses on what’s really important to you.

Those of you that know us, will know that we can, and are very happy to, discuss and debate these subjects for many hours!

As well as our areas of expertise detailed below, we also offer specialised advice on ground handling contracts (SGHA), and service level agreements (SLA). Well designed and thought out contracts and SLA's are the source of cost efficient and well performing operations. RFP's that ask the right questions, SLA's that are aligned to what's most important to your customers, we believe simple is much better.



De/Anti-Icing Consultancy

Planning for cold weather operations can be a complex process. Adoption of industry standards and best practice, training and qualifying staff and ensuring that the organisation are where they need to be procedurally are just some of items on the list for annual review.


Aircraft Turnaround Optimisation

We work with Airlines and Ground Service Providers (GSPs) to improve performance and, ultimately, to save costs. We look at resourcing, process, contracts, SLA's and a variety of other areas to identify opportunities for potential improvement efficiencies – and deliver improved results.


Aerodrome Consultancy

We know that your real estate is a valuable asset which requires optimal management. Whether that be airlines, Ground Service Providers (GSP) or Fixed Base Operators (FBO), we can help your client optimise their processes ensuring that your facilities, equipment and infrastructure and 'sweated' to the maximum. 


Military Transport Aircraft Operations

Effective delivery is based around a safe, efficient and well-designed process. Although similar in some respects to civil aviation, this sector has many unique aspects that require careful and focussed management. 

Awards, Memberships, & Accreditations

Watch. Listen. Discuss. Solve.


Ready to work together? Talk with one of our industry experts to discuss your company’s needs to see how we can help you